Note very carefully the necessary language which the org had to use in their INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE OF PERSONAL DATA letter to elders:
When inviting an individual to complete the consent form, the elder should explain the purpose of the form
An adult publisher might initially refuse to sign the Notice and Consent for Use of Personal Data (S-290) form........ However, the publisher should not feel pressured to sign the form.
"Requesting," "inviting," "consent," & "not feel pressured."
If elders start brow-beating individual/s regarding this, they're asking for trouble. Human Rights are at the core of this.
As I suggested the other day, just say, "I'll take the form and give it some thought."
If approached again, say, "I gave it some
thought and decided that it's not something I'd want to do at
the moment.
If I change my mind, I can get back to you."